Basic switch....should I upgrade?

I'm using a D-Link switch into a EtherRegen (with an AfterDark PSU & Clock) via a Signature Ethernet Cable. Coming out of the EtherRegen I use a basic fiber optic cable into my streamer. (All connects/cables not mentioned are upgraded.)

Simply put, should I upgrade the switch or does the fantastic EtherRegen clean up the switch's audio shortcomings?

Please don't tell me to get a TT!  


@sns you are applying ANALOG terms to a digital connection. Completely irrelevant. Noise floor in Ethernet only means did it transmit a clear enough signal to discern a 1 or a 0, and did the frame add up in the end to match the CRC check.

so, for someone who knows what is actually going on, it is very simple. All the stuff you are talking about is just things that simply doesn’t have an impact at all, never ever. 

@fredrik222 : so to sum it up, what you are teaching all here with the Ethernet protocol is either it works, or it doesn’t, correct? As long as Zeroes and Ones come as such, we are fine? There is absolutely nothing to gain or lose SQ wise by optimizing the Ethernet in any shape or form?


Is this the reason why when I send a long email to China, the recipient gets the email intact, not missing any words, and not even missing any punctuation marks (I.e a comma comes as a dot)? Right?

@thyname at a high level, yes, there is nothing you can do. If you have a low quality switch, you will lose packets if you load it, that will impact sound quality. If you tape anything generating magnetic fields to the Ethernet cable, you will likely lose packets, also improving the sound quality.


as for your email to China. While a completely different protocol at a much higher level, similar principles, if you have punctuation issues, that is all about the what’s in front of the keyboard. 100%. I have unfortunately had to prove that one too many times to think it is funny. 

Meant to say impacting not improving SQ. 

here is a very high level overview of how networking works: 




The juniper ex2200-c switch seems to be updated in a newer model- not sure one can buy new.  Do you have a newer model suggestion?