A preamp recommendation

Hello everyone,  I'm looking for a "neutral" preamp that does not emphasize and de-emphasize any frequency range but has just a tiny bit of warmth.  Accurate harmonic information resulting in natural instrumental timbre, outstanding sound staging and imaging, solid extended bass without typical under controlled bass of typical tubes or over damped bass of transistors, crystalline smooth extended high frequency, excellent micro and macro dynamics, and clear transparent sound are all important to me.  I don't like hyper detailed sound typical of some transistor preamps or overly smooth warm sound of some tube preamps.  Currently, my favorite preamp is an autoformer passive preamp which gives many of the sound quality I like, but it lacks the drive and impact I get from active preamps. I have auditioned some top preamps from Audio Research, D'Agustino, Pass, among others, but was underwhelmed due to lack of transparency, inaccurate timbre, and/or significant deviation from overall neutrality.  I don't care if the preamp is solid state or tube, long as my requirements are met.  All of my amps have input impedance of 50KOhms or above. Which preamp would best fit my taste?  Any preamp new or used $15k or under would be on my list. Thank you.


I am just seeing this thread and rarely post on here but i would be remiss if i did not let you know about a not very well known brand…

The brand is Canor and i am listening to there Hyperion Preamp as i type this…This has to be the best preamp at any price below 30k-

Its tube based, built like a dang tank, separate chambers internally, neutral with a hint of warmth. I really cannot think of a box this unit does not check. This is an end game preamp.


For those that play at this level i highly recommend giving this unit strong consideration and the USA Distributor is one of the best in this business. He offers customer service second to none.

This unit replaced a Mac C22 in my system and won shootouts over the likes of AR and many others i tried in my hunt for the best Preamp i could find

Cheers and best in listening!

Hi gbrow thanks, what other preamps have you listened to below $30k? Can you describe more in detail what you like about it’s sound? 

@dracule1 I'd go with the Backert Labs Rhythm. I'm biased because I'm friendly with Bob & Andy at Backert. I've heard it in many top flight systems with a wide array of gear and it never disappoints. Never have I seen so many local audio club members gravitate over time to a brand as those in Philly have to the Backert preamps, after having heard them in multiple long listening sessions. "Word of ear", it's a thing. 

OTOH, if phono stage is important, the Atma MP-1 has a great one built in and provides the benefit of true balanced dual mono design if you can leverage those aspects of its design. Cheers,


Hi Spencer, I will contact Backert. My only criticism is the use of the low end Alps pot for volume and balance controls in a $10k preamp. Otherwise I really like the design. 

@dracule1 Ask Andy about that and don't be shy about voicing your concern. I know first hand that they listened to tons of parts alternatives are truly driven by sonic results and reliability in their choices. Andy is also a musician and meticulous and purposeful by nature. They are good eggs over there! Cheers,
