Hearing and emotions

«When Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring premiered in 1913, it was poorly received, agitating its audience to the point of rage, violence, and disgust. At the heart of this phenomenon, as explored by the podcast Radiolab, was the “disorderly and unexpected” chords that ran through the entire piece, which caused a similarly disorderly response in its listeners. A variety of different studies suggest that our hearing is linked to our emotional processes, and simultaneously, our emotions may affect the way our brains process sound.....

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal found that in test subjects who observed that a particularly good piece of music “gave them the chills,” a PET scan measured the release of dopamine. Another group of researchers in Zurich studied the role of emotion in forming memories of sounds and found that strong emotional responses to certain pieces of music enhanced the memories formed around that particular auditory experience.»





Then it is very important to clean our ears, and clean our connectors cable, and it is very important to pay attention to the three working embedding dimensions, mechanical,electrical and acoustical/psycho-acoustical; but cleaning our heart help much...

Some sound/music provoke stress, induce rage and hate, and some others induce love and enhance thinking...And there is also quite a lot between these two extremes...

The main point in my thinking and surprizing one is hate makes us deaf, intellectually, musically and probably in some way physically...

It is not metaphorical claim....But because the effect of hate is under the normal level of perception and at long term, people dont observe it...

All around the world now there is simultaneously an awakening and a tumultuous tempest of hate... It is a changing time...Observe it....

Emotions and music are related so deeply that speech birth is impossible to understand without this relation in mind...

Poetry and prose mode of speech reflect well two modes of thinking, and music can relate these two one with another...

Music is also mathematics growing legs arms and body and speaking about love or the divine....

By the way there is only one emotion feeling in all mathematical activity: enthusiasm etymologically from old greek "En thou theos" Inspiration or possession by a god... A mathematician not litterally possessed by enthusiasm is not a mathematician... An engineer perhaps... 😁😊 But some engineer are great mathematicians, like Poincaré was...Mathematicians are like Musicians or great poets, enthralled in ectasy... Between hard works and despair too for sure....

Ultimately mathematic, music, and everything is love...

There is no hating great mathematicians or hating great composers...

There is no hating great listeners too....Take care of your heart and brain relation...No hate for anyone nor anything especially nowadays....

My love to all....




a very debatable question - should everyone read this ...

if you read the book "how to lift a heavy barbell" - it will not make you strong .... only practice!

You cannot oppose to an advice another advice if the two are not contradictory...

Then i think the same...Reading a book is not enough sometimes.... But i advised people about reading books all my life... 😁😊

And some book are transformative anyway without any need to practice...(Dostoievsky book is like some part of the scripture, immediately transformative) We are no more the same before and after....But the transformation is not always evident at first...Sometimes it takes a life "of practice" to manifest...


It’s like teaching elementary school students quantum physics...

And children already know quantum mechanics by the way, but not in a mathematical way... 😁😊

(For the anecdote, my teacher try to teach us Cantorian theory of the infinite when i was 14 years old, because he was annoyed to teach the regular matter, it take me on a life search that was, thanks to him, very rewarding and it put my friend with whom i discussed  the matter in recreation time on the road to be a mathematician... Then dont underestimate children....)


What is your beautiful story tale , about instantaneous communication at distance, appearing and disapearing money, and the two level of reality united and seen through? Quantum mechanics...And Love....

It is most physicists who dont understand Quantum mechanics... ask Feynman...

The trouble is with the mathematics interpretation...



The specifics of our time is this - rich people have become prohibitively rich - their main goal is to pass on the loot to their children and get rid of the excess population of the planet ...
Therefore, they drive the broad masses of people into the Stone Age - they deprive them of education, medicine, they do not allow them to develop (they force them to communicate in language 1 - emotions) ... covid 19 - probably a test of the pen ... I think this is a test of weapons

I will not add anything to contradict you here... I think the same...



quote :
some books ...  We are no longer the same before and after ....

Once I knew a girl - she knew Dostoevsky almost by heart (close to the text from any line) ... It was very impressive ...

But after a while it became obvious to me - she didn’t understand almost anything...

Now I thought - if "we are no longer the same before and after" ... then who was she before))))))))) if now she is a fool

one day she said - "I'm dating a stripper now ... I think he's a bandit"

we (several men) laughed to tears...

Once I knew a girl - she knew Dostoevsky almost by heart (close to the text from any line) ... It was very impressive ...But after a while it became obvious to me - she didn’t understand almost anything...

Perhaps you are wrong and she understood the part of Doistoievky that correspond to her or speak to her...

The same for you...

Interpretation is a spiral dynamic....In two directions...

Perhaps it takes you two together for the perfect interpretation...

Now I thought - if "we are no longer the same before and after" ... then who was she before))))))))) if now she is a fool

You forgot the most important part of my observation : "We are no more the same before and after....But the transformation is not always evident at first...Sometimes it takes a life "of practice" to manifest..."


one day she said - "I’m dating a stripper now ... I think he’s a bandit"

we (several men) laughed to tears...

Perhaps all men in love would like to be a bandit to please a beautiful woman...

 To be a stripper is not necessary, It is the bandit part that attract woman....




fairy tale story? - no, this is not a fairy tale ... an episode of the life of a saint (Basil the Blessed) is described ... here he is depicted in the picture ... when he died, the king personally buried him. A cathedral was built in his honor. (bottom right corner)