What are the best loudspeakers under $4000 to re-create lifelike piano

Over the past 4 months I've spent time with five loudspeakers.  On a scale of 1-10 I'd rate them as follows in their ability (with my equipment in my room) to recreate a lifelike piano.  Tekton Lore - 6.5 (great scale but tonal accuracy and clarity somewhat lacking),    Kef LS50 - 7.0 (moderate scale but slightly better clarity and tonal accuracy)  Kef R500 - 8.0  (great scale and very good clarity and tonal accuracy), Spatial Audio M3TurboS -8.1 (great scale and very good clarity and tonal accuracy and very smooth)  Magnepan 1.7i - 9.0 (very good scale with excellent clarity and tonal accuracy - very lifelike).

In your room with your equipment, what loudspeakers are you listening too and how would you rate them for their ability to recreate a lifelife piano and if possible a few comments as to why?

I was wondering if anyone has owned or heard the older (circa late '80s early '90s) 5 1/4 neoflex focal drivers in a proper bass slot loaded and inert speaker? It had been the most believably lifelike tonal reproduction of piano I've ever had, with an old (Sherwood?) tube integrated and modified old Magnavox CD player in my living room playing a Naxos solo piano disc. Sounded exactly like the upright piano in the same room was playing, hearing it while approaching from outside the house, it fooled me to thinking someone was actually playing the real thing.

There has to be a few of those focal driven speakers that still exist?

Why not start a new thread instead of replying to a 4 1/2 yr old one? Just a thought….

I love maggies, I also think the  era VA beethovens are really special and affordable on the used market.

Used ATC SCM40 passives are right at your price point.

With the right components…