someone (not me) is auctioning off a pair of Genelec monitors on audiogon right now. that is an enormous space you're referring to by anyone's standards.
depending on your musical tastes and your interest in acoustic treatments would
perhaps be the greatest challenge of all in this case.
Of course I could also imagine a number of price-no-object speaker systems (4 cabinets) doing a great job of pushing enough air around that room to give you the kind of clean dB's that would also sound - "there are no words"-
depending on your musical tastes and your interest in acoustic treatments would
perhaps be the greatest challenge of all in this case.
Of course I could also imagine a number of price-no-object speaker systems (4 cabinets) doing a great job of pushing enough air around that room to give you the kind of clean dB's that would also sound - "there are no words"-