Torus vs AudioQuest Niagara

After home-demoing an AudioQuest Niagara 5000, I decided there were a few shortcomings that were nagging me and I went with a Torus RM20 instead, without any demo. I’m glad I did. I went that way because the thing I kept hearing about the Torus is that it doesn’t alter the sound, and rather, it just allows your system to be more revealing.

The first issue with the Niagara 5000 was the buzzing of the transformers. When the house is silent, you can clearly hear this buzzing 9ft away from my couch. With the music off of course. I wanted to consider the Niagara 7000 but I’ve heard that if you encounter buzzing with the 5000, the 7000 will be worse. As an aside, the manual even acknowledges the buzzing issue and notes that there may be no solution to it. To be clear, while the buzzing was audible from my listening position, it was quiet. But noticeable.

The second issue I had with the Niagara is that I felt that the high frequencies were closed in and constrained. Compared to my system plugged into the wall directly when the power is cleaner, very late at night.

In contrast the Torus RM20 was extremely natural. I didn’t detect it doing anything to alter the sonic presentation, other than unveil the sound to be more revealing, more solid, more immediate, and more 3D.

I think some may prefer the Niagara. There is more of a sense of each instrument and the vocals floating in a space of inky blackness. More so than with the Torus. But to me the Niagara sound was more impressively “HiFi” (not a good thing for me but maybe a good thing for some), wheras the Torus was more naturally musical with added solidity, clarity and soundstage depth to the sound. But the thing that kills the Niagara in my opinion is that the upper frequencies are more closed in than with the Torus. I have a specific track that starts with a high-hat where you can clearly hear the added texture with the Torus.

Of note: the AudioQuest provides isolation between your system components whereas the Torus does not. In my case, it doesn’t seem to matter, the Torus still clearly wins. I have my Gryphon Diablo 300 amp with the DAC module, an Ethernet isolation switch, a Streamer, and a USB Reclocker all powered by the Torus.

I’ve been told by Nordost that all conditioners change the tonal balance of your system and that it’s impossible to tell how that change will manifest because it’s different for each system. I’ve also been told by industry veterans to stay away from filtering of all sorts because you can’t help but alter your sound in unexpected ways. This advice has rang true with my experiments. The Torus in comparison (which Nordost also suggested I look at) is just a massive transformer, and not a filter or conditioner in the traditional sense.

If my understanding is correct, Plitron, the transformer mfr, started Torus and they also supply AudioQuest with transformers for the Niagara.

One other note regarding the Niagara - there is a hardness to the bass (with power correction engaged) that created a noticeable grip and a drive to the music. At first I liked this effect, but then I realized it was a tad over-emphasized.

I’ve also read that conditioners are totally system dependent, so my results may be drastically different for someone else.

I have a Gryphon Diablo 300, Nordost Valhalla 2 speaker wire, all AQ Hurricane power cords and two AQ Dragon high currents feeding my amp and also the Torus. Innuos Zenith MKIII Roon/Tidal streamer, Innuos PhoenixNET (Ethernet isolation switch) and PhoenixUSB (reclocker). AudioQuest Diamond USB and Ethernet cables.

If the Torus cost the same as a Niagara 5000 I’d still go with the Torus, no question. I’d even pay more for the Torus! But the fact is the RM20 is significantly cheaper than the Niagara 5000. It’s been around a long time and it works, well. And there is no buzzing from the unit whatsoever!

I feel like with AudioQuest’s marketing, Torus probably gets overlooked. But as an alternative to “filtering” and “conditioning”, at least in my system, Torus gives me exactly what I am after when it comes to powering my system, and nothing more is added that I don’t want.






I’ve got an Audience AR-6 power conditioner and It’s been great. No noise at all. Everything was plugged into it and then I was told that it might reduce the highs or muddy the sound if the amp was plugged into it, so I have tried plugging my amp into it and plugging my amp into the wall and I can’t hear a difference. 

All the best.


Not heard the Niagara 5000, but I used to have a Niagara 3000.  Then I heard the Puritan PSM 156.  Much better all round

I no longer have the Niagara....

Thanks mike in nc. The led dots are a great suggestion. I had no idea these existed. Much better than a piece of cardboard or electrical tape. Already ordered. That’s why I like this forum . Always learn something new and useful. 

@twodogs112 -

Thanks mike in nc. The led dots are a great suggestion.

If you haven't noticed already, the same maker also has dots that are not completely opaque, but just dim light transmission. I use those for other things (my digital alarm clock, e.g.). But the Torus's LED is so bright I use the opaque one for that.

I own the Niagara 7000 and the only time I had any type of buzz, I found it was due to using the PPT paste on the wire connection in the breaker box. Evidently it caused some aching. The wire actually looked like it was burned.

Once I removed the paste and stripped a fresh clean connection, I have NOT had any type of buzzing. I guess if you do hear buzzing consider it a positive because something is wrong.
