a better interconnect cable

Hi all,

my beloved Acoustat X are connected to a pre Soulution 725 with friend made cables (RCA - RCA). My budget could reach 3k Euro/USD per a lenght of 3mt each.

Chord, Nordstrom, Tellurium ... ? What is your idea?


I’ve settled on self-made cables with my choice of wire, currently I like Mundorf Angelique, solid-core with 3 lengths braided, and low mass KLEI connectors.


renato, what nature of sonic improvement are you hoping for with a change of interconnects?

are you current cables copper, silver or... and what type of construction...?

Have you looked at the Chinese cable fakes thread? There’s a whole discussion about them

Never mind it went the way of many informative threads here with off topic bantering shutting down the thread.


Assuming you're in Europe, you should take a look at Esprit and Lavri.

But there really are just too many brands and models to make any kind of informed recommendation.


Depends on your system sound / components / tastes.

I would make my choices from: Transparent, Cardas, WireWorld, AudioQuest and DH Labs. All, highly respected and well reviewed. It would be best to those three brands based on research, then compare them. 

I use Transparent… but have owned all of the above. DH Labs for me is the best of the budget brands. Nordost at their high end are fantastic… but above your budget.