Uneven room dimensions/reflections = uneven toe in as solution?

It’s challenging in my room to create a sound stage that is distributed equally between the speakers. That is, to have the center in the center means that there is a slight preponderance of sound on one side versus the other. This is due to the rooms  asymmetrical  dimensions and asymmetrical ceiling, and partially glass and partially furniture in front of the speakers. All of this needs to be as it is for reasons not related to audio. I’ve tried various solutions and I am now experimenting with toeing in one of the speakers, the one on the weaker side, to try to accentuate it’s half of the stereo sound. Has anyone else tried this?  Or does anyone have any other solutions for me? I don’t have a balance control on any of my equipment or it might be much easier to fix this. It’s not a terrible problem and I am mostly mentioning this because I have a little free time and I’m curious. Thank you ahead of time. 


You might try just shifting you listening seat a little toward the weak side. Not much...just until you get a solid center image.

Dear @m669326  : I understand you owned the Loki eq. and if still you own then use it and if not buy a new one due that's almost inexpensive.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,



Sorry about the "towed".

But, on the bright side I didn't mention photoes in my post.



When I upscaled my streamer and my DAC, I disconnected the Loki for a while, and then recently connected it again because my room still seems to make things a bit bright. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a balance control. I’m using it to boost the lower frequencies and I like the way that has turned out.