Big, big room -- which 10-20k speakers?

I just moved into a house in which my listening room will be about 35 x 35 with 17-foot ceilings, with double-story double-pane glass windows on two sides. I will be running a Luxman 509u intergrated amp, a Sony XA777ES, and a Luxman PD371 with a Miyajima Shilabe. Cables are a mix of old Nordost Valhala and newer Kubala-Sosna Emotion. I know it all seems fragmented but I just moved back to the US after a decade living in Tokyo so these are bits and pieces assembled over there.

I am considering a variety of used speakers that can be purchased for 10-20k, namely the Revel Ultima Salons 2s, Rockport Mira Grand II, Aerial Accoustics 20T (I should mention I had 10Ts in the 90s and loved them) and YG Anat Studio II.

I'd love any thoughts on which speakers would perform best in the room given it's size and reflectivity, and given my rather odd electronics. Thanks very much for your advice!
"So if you have a speaker of higher efficiency you have a much wider range of amplifiers available! "

That may be true but you only need one and there are plenty to choose from.

There are many ways to tackle the problem effectively.

High efficiency is likley part of the solution somewhere, be it more efficient amps capable of delivering more power in a smaller more efficient package, higher efficiency speakers that require less power to sing, or perhaps even both together, or some middle ground even perhaps.

Lots of ways to skin the cat.

Tannoys and Classic Audio are certainly good contenders, but the there are many possible ways to skin this cat, including use of power subs, especially when already integrated into the speaker design by teh vendor, though adding separate subs can work very well also.
I used to work at a dealer that sold Revel, Wilson Audio, Avalon, Avantgarde, Joseph Audio, and Ariel. I am now a composer and recording engineer. My advice is to buy speakers that are meant to fill a large space. I would look at the Klipsch Pro Cinema speakers first. Other options are vintage Altec Lansing (or new Great Plains Audio), or a custom/DIY horn hybrid. Most audiophile/consumer speakers are terrible with a large space. You might check out ALK Engineering, Crites Speakers, or Volti Audio for semi-custom solutions. Classic Audio Loudspeakers are great if you can afford to go that way. The Luxman rep. has a pair. Good luck.
I would die to fill that room with sound
i used to drive klipsch LaScalas with about 500 watts per side
You need lots of power to get full base responce
never had a room large enough to open them up properly
Cheap date at about $2000.for a pristine pair.Very clean accurate quality speaker if you have a cathedral to fill!!
I have a two story room 30 ft long by 16 wide that i fill nicely with a pair of kef ref series four driven with four mono blocks at 600 wats a side
As a forty year veteran of home audio, imo large horns are the only way to achieve realistic fidelity in such a space. Add at least 3 subwoofers as the space will support real low frequencies with (probably) minimal modal issues.
JBL K2, or, better, Everest are elegant real world solutions & would work nicely w your electronics, as would large Tannoys.Ignore anything with a dome tweeter, cannot drive the space.