I have owned Aurender (very good), nucleus + (very good) and innuos. With the new Innuos Sense app, the Innuos is exceptional for the money…. One small caveat:
Innuos sounds its best with either FLAC or WAV files. There is a small but significant reduction in quality with any of the Apple format files (AIFF, ALAC). I have discussed this with Innuos as well as other Innuos owners and understand that the Apple formats require a bit more processing. The Innuos software is clearly optimized for the others. Mind you, this is “nitpicking” but to any of my audiophile friends, I recommend the most expensive Innuos server you can afford. Even the zenMini (must be with external power supply) is very good for the money, but every increase yields a meaningful improvement. Integration with QoBuz is exceptional. I haven’t tried Tidal. Roon works well but at an acoustic and pocketbook cost. Good luck all!