Get the volume set right THEN NEVER CHANGE IT Yup you read that right, once it’s set for a particular source you don’t change irrespective of the type of music. RRV as I call it should become de facto but if isn’t
As the OP points out this a rarely discussed issue BUT IT IS CRUCIAL to your listening enjoyment.
I opened a similar discussion on another forum, which claims to know ‘what’s best’. They piled in. Couldn’t handle my reasoned arguments. The forum owner even challenged me to post some decibel readings coz he wouldn’t accept I was doing it right AND playing at decent sound levels, even in a small room. So I took his challenge posted three readings … and the coward backed down and closed the thread. What a woos!
So yes RRV challenges the norm. But boy does it work. Dial in your RRV and never touch that volume button again. Just enjoy the music.