MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.

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My SoundSmith Sussurro MI is the most overall satisfying cartridge I've had over the years. Has a natural presentation yet is still dynamic with excellent resolving ability.

All qualitative generalizations on this subject are shaky.  My experience only says that High Output MC cartridges don't usually compete well with MM, MI, or LOMC types.  If you like the LOMC "sound", don't overlook MI types which are in the same vein and sometimes a better bang for the buck.  (Notice I stuck in several general statements there while first having warned you about generalizations.)

On the basis of some of the comments here, what I’ve read in reviews, and most importantly, the sound I’m looking for, I’m probably going to switch to a LOMC cartridge: the Hana ML. It seems to be the best choice for me, and I can get a deal on it.

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While I use a MC in m y main system, I could be at least as happy with a vintage ADC that's in my 2nd system.