With my own Linn, I am happy to occasionally use it, the experience always ends up the same, I am happy to own it, it was a first entry into a long term hobby in maintaining a LP Source. I am also quite happy to put it back into storage, and make way, to have more time for experiencing the other TT's available and much preferred when used.
This is not being a 'naysayer'. It is about an experience of replaying a LP, ones which have a significant influence when being experienced.
In relation to the owned Linn TT, It is a bonafide report on how a use 1990's era version of the TT stimulates the senses and emotions when used to replay a LP.
The resulting influence is quite clear, the Ownership is pleasant and produces a happiness, due to the sentiment around the TT.
The decision made to not use the TT continuously, also produces a feel good factor, where there is a happiness, to see it be put into storage and make way for other TT's to be used, that have for myself proven to be preferred as a tool to replay LP's. Especially in being able to produce a connection with the stored content that adds to the stimulus during the replay.
As said, the Linn TT, will one day be gifted to a Grandchild, so there must be some type of value seen in it from my end.