"cheap stamped sheet metal sub chassis sitting atop three springs tuned to the wrong frequency and the crappy Masonite arm board flapping around in the breeze, the two piece platter that rings like a bell. The tiny little dink of a motor that I can stall with a Q tip. Then there is that pathetic sort of wood base stapled together at the corners."
Err... yes. That more or less sums it up.
I was going to post a link to Peter Swain’s 4 hour Cymbiosis LP12 set up guide (seeing as how @daveyf was kind enough to suggest paying him a visit) but unfortunately those clips seem to have strangely disappeared off the internet.
A real pity, since long term stability concerns have continuously plagued this deck ever since it's inception.
Oh well, since Leicester is fairly central, the next time I’m passing I might just drop by Cymbiosis.
Especially as it seems even Linn themselves have now given up the ghost in promoting their one time highly lucrative cash cow.