MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano

rvpiano, you probably mean that you want analogue to be very quiet. That's a lot of effort, beginning with finding the best pressings.


What about moving iron cartridges??

I have always been interested in the legendary London Decca Reference cart.

I currently use a Lyra Atlas SL. Hard to imagine a $5250 London beats the $13K Lyra.

But the. London reviews all say it produces “scary real”.

Anyone have experience with one?

Dear rauliruegas,

I understand your point. Analog is analog, and digital is digital and never the twain shall meet. Each has its own unique character.
However, I believe there are SOME  traits that can be validly compared to each other.  
I totally agree that music is the essential thing, and I have written extensively about that.  
But, this is still a hobby that we  can have some fun with if we don’t get too carried away (which is easy to do.)



Actually I was not referring to the quietness of digital.  On my set the digital format has a certain clarity that the analog does not.  Maybe rauliruegas is right and that type of clarity  is uniquely a digital trait, but I’m hoping to get it with the new cartridge.