Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?

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After exploring and discovering acoustic/psycho-acoustic optimalization methods, mechanical one only inspired by Helmholtz in my case , i discovered why people argue so much about analog/digital and cables, which are secondary choices in term of S.Q. impact compared to the incredible impact of acoustic and psycho-acoustic settings adapted and fine tuned for a specific system and specific ears...

They had no idea in a non dedicated room what is the real potential S.Q. of any good relatively well chosen system even their own...


There is yes differences between analog/digital, but they are minute one compared to the difference between an ordinary living room and a dedicated acoustic room... And by the way let me smile because my system value is low compared to all the money some invested without even adressing the room/speakers/each ear relation. save at best a few acoustic panels..

It is the reason why i am neither an objectivist nor a subjectivist, because these distinctions had no meaning at all and were created by the marketing of electronic gear...Not by acousticians for sure....

For sure using my ears to tune a room, objectivist will put me with the subjectivist...

They dont understand and cannot fathom even what i spoke about... It seems i am almost the only one to say that here....


Like we learn music art and language, we must learn basic acoustic and psycho-acoustic science, art and language; and learning here is not only reading about the LEV/ASW ratio in s small room for example, it is experimenting with it to hear it really...Same with timbre and all other acoustic concepts...

Even acousticians experimented and learn about the acoustic of small room compared to Hall acoustic... Why not you?

Learning has nothing to do with buying publicized marketed piece of gear...I quit that obsession after my 2 years intensive acoustic experiments...

I wrote this post for the only one person who reading it will save his money, read acoustic research articles and inspired by them will do some simple basic experiments... Nothing is more fun... It takes much time yes but cost me nothing...

I think my post will be useful for one....Which is not so common... I remember my situation 10 years ago now , reading audio thread to buy the best components....It had help me to do so yes, but the problem was that there is NO END to the best component to buy... And most audiophiles not knowing anything about acoustic suffer upgraditis... And it is a contagious disease...

Acoustic is the only remedy...



There is yes differences between analog/digital, but they are minute one compared to the difference between an ordinary living room and a dedicated acoustic room

@mahgister In this respect I total agree. The other far more significant difference is in the recording itself. If there are a vinyl and CD release that are exactly the same, I am not aware of it. Of course even if there was, there is so much variation in turntables from each other and from optimum, that a direct comparison would still be difficult without testing the turntable system for operation first. Sorry naysayers, that will require test equipment.

@mijostyn   Knowledge scares some people. What scares people even more is knowledge that others possess that they do not. Rejecting that knowledge is a defence mechanism.