Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?

System is nicely transparant and detailed, but tends to get bright and harsh with certain (rock) recordings and at higher volume levels.

Nudge the system towards a sweeter, richer, more relaxed presentation.

Proposed solution / first step
Upgrade to a (tube based) DAC, budget $25-40k.

Current chain

  • ROON Nucleus
  • Mola Mola Tambaqui
  • Gryphon Essence pre amp
  • Gryphon Essence monoblocks
  • Focal Stella Utopia EVO
  • Full loom of Triode Wire Labs cables
  • Dedicated power line straight into Puritan PSM156 mains filter
  • System resides in the living room with some diffusors but no absorption other than sofas, chairs, and some rugs.

On my radar
Lampizator Pacific (or Golden Gate 2 since I heard it's more "tube-like")
Aries Cerat Kassandra 2 Ref or Sig

— What other DACs should I consider?
— Do you think upgrading to another (tube based) DAC will achieve that sweeter, richer, more relaxed presentation?


I'm not saying this would solve OPs dilemma but might be something to consider.

Try to get an Aethetix Pandora Eclipse DAC into your system just to check out.

You might like it and it's way below the money you originally quoted.

I tune out whenever I read the words "full loom" in a hi fi discussion. That's just me.

@verdantaudio Thanks for your input. Between Antipodes Oladra and Pink Faun Ultra, do yo feel there's a clear winner? Or more or less at the same level, making it about taste and preference?

Is Pink Faun's clock better than Oladra's? But then Oladra separates server from player on different computer boards while Pink Faun uses one. Not sure what reaps more benefits.

Dual Pink Faun Ultra is more than I'm willing to spend.

I have not had the two units side-by-side to listen.  I am hoping to do this later this year and also get a demo with the Taiko at a customers house.  

you are spot on.  Two computers in Oladra vs better clock in Pink Faun.  You also have a great software solution with Oladra matching Roon Core with Squeeze Light.   Alternatively, Pink Faun had a proprietary software that is an upgrade vs Roon.  

These are VERY similar.