Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?


There is yes differences between analog/digital, but they are minute one compared to the difference between an ordinary living room and a dedicated acoustic room

@mahgister In this respect I total agree. The other far more significant difference is in the recording itself. If there are a vinyl and CD release that are exactly the same, I am not aware of it. Of course even if there was, there is so much variation in turntables from each other and from optimum, that a direct comparison would still be difficult without testing the turntable system for operation first. Sorry naysayers, that will require test equipment.

@mijostyn   Knowledge scares some people. What scares people even more is knowledge that others possess that they do not. Rejecting that knowledge is a defence mechanism.

@deludedaudiophile , It is what people come up with to supplant knowledge that I find most interesting. We do not like voids. We fill them in with .....mythology.

Poor men who don't realize the digital is a better format than the analog one.

There have been many many 33.3 RPm LPs which were DIGITALLY mastered.

  • Why? At the time, turntable music was still dominant than CD players. So, recording companies had to make LPs but they did know the DIGITAL is both theoretically and practically superior to the ANALOG systems. In order to improve LP's SQ, they included some of digital tech, period!
  • I do listen to LPs still now. Why, there is no CD version of my LPs.
  • If you cannot believe CD is better than LP, then your digital system is of low quality.
  • Most Americans do like bass-emphasized music listening, which means they don't know actual live music produces a lot of high-pitch, etching sound (like CD playing).

A lot of that so called etching is too lively a room that they then fix with a soft analog system. They take an aspirin when they really need antibiotics.