Big Step Up from Totem Hawks? 10k Speakers?

I'm looking to upgrade my Totem Hawks in a big way. Honestly,I have been extremely impressed with them. As I've moved up in electronics, the Hawks have kept up. But now, it's pretty clear they are the weak link in my system. My budget is a max of $12k, (it went up after I heard the MBL 126 at a show, they go for $12k) I generally like the small floorstander type, but I'm open to opinions. The room is 18'x15'. What will match up well with my class d Nuforce monoblocks with Modwright tube pre? (a fabulous combo, muscular yet musical) System: Clearaudio tt,Modwright LS100, Nuforce V3 SE,all Synergistic Research cabling and conditioning. Thanks for your time and opinions!
Thanks for the responses. Despite the fact that they are hard to track down, the Joseph Perspectives were on my shortlist, which includes: MBL 126, Rockport Mira, Audio Physic, Nola, Usher, Wilson Benesch. Any feelings about others I've considered?
I've heard good things about the MBL's, and the Nola's are usually very nice.

The Joseph's work quite well with d class amps (they usually show with Bel Canto).

If you need help locating a Joseph dealer, shoot me a message and I can get you in touch with Joseph's sales manager.

Goldprint Audio
I agree with goldprintaudio the Joseph perspectives are very good . Also let me say I have always liked totem speakers but I know their limits. I would also suggest a less exspensive but great sound for the$ Kef r900 I own a pair and found them second to Josephs in my search of many some over 10 k . The kefs list at 5k