"Electrons move like water..."
Much like ’slow ’n go’ traffic, backed up until you arrived at ’where something may have happened, but is not obvious Now’.....Scientific American in the Amateur Scientist column discussed this decades ago, whereas you in your vehicle is/are the electron amongst many....
Therefore, go with the flow...and I will duck that punch....
Implants for music:
I’ve my aids already. I’ve eq’d my headphones to duplicate their function.
I’ve been teasing people about cellphone implants for years now (Runs on body heat, auto-updates, triggered by your mind if you don’t mind, etc.).
Any pause in payment may cause Stranger Things to happen to you.
Reference HBO’s ’Westworld’ for starters....
Wake to a crowd of people Somewhere doing Something never done before by you with no knowledge of how you got there and no obvious means to leave.
Nice, normal paranoia....
I’d like to ’talk’ to Googles’ supposed ’aware’ AI.
I’ve got some queries to run past it and into it.... ;)
It needs to be as confused as we are for starters. *L*
Level the playing field, so to shriek....