I should of been more clear. I meant what's the point of having big panels in you're house taking up space when a box speaker will sound just as good, maybe better
I think everyone understood your point. I'm sure that the many who own panel speakers and appreciate their strengths will disagree with your initial premise that a box speaker can ever sound as good as a panel speaker.
I have to give props to Magnapan for exactly that reason...the fact that they sound great but are utterly impractical in most rooms but still popular is testament to "audio geekdom" at its most classic. There's a restaurant nearby that has the smaller Maggies hung from the walls in at least 4 places...who does that? Cool. I love the sound of Maggies but am also in the "where the hell would I put them" school of thought...but people do find a way to use them and I'm glad they do.
Yep, Taters izzzz Sudz and vicey-versa. I just wish he'd stop asking his endless "in-depth", "probing", and meaningless questions. Givc it a break, luv...
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