if you are looking at the grimm you should also consider the 432Evo Master
a reviewer in the netherlands listened to the master with The mola MOLA DAC and was thrilled with the combo
the reviewer was also keen with the multitude of filters and the analog like presentation of the Master:
With the last generation of the 432 EVO Master, Frederic Van den Poel has delivered his best music server to date. Both chassis look excellent and even though the web interface (mainly used for the filter settings and switching between Roon and Logitech) have some resemblance with the well known Vortexbox interface, everything else is so very different that it cannot be compared. This is a totally different machine, which is obvious from the enormous amount of custom features and their sonic impact. Because no other Vortexbox based solution from the recent past comes close to the performance of this high-end machine.

Even though the price is downright hefty, and a small minus is the fact that it only support USB connections towards a DAC, what we have here is a very special music server which within it’s price class, is among the best challengers today. Even though a top class CD transport still sounds substantially different in it’s own way and still is hard to beat on it’s own strong aspects, there is indeed a far-reaching analog sound. This makes the rendering smooth, airy, spacious and naturally realistic and moreover, also has exactly that right outlined and catchy character that is so typical of a good analog source. Nice work Frederic!
Dave and Troy
Audio intellect NJ
US importer 432Evo music servers