For me it was the discovery of planar speakers in the middle 70's. First it was a pair of Magnaplanars.. Wow. I was completely blown away. once I got them set up for my room (placement and toe in).. the imaging and scale of the presentation both left to right and top to bottom,... wow.
Maggies were the best I could afford for most of my adult life. paired with reasonable priced electronics (lower end models of high end brands). Then about 15 years ago I got into tubes, primarily triode designs.... and got my hands on modern Quads. The Quad 2805 ESL speakers. Another huuuuuge wow. Of course it was not only the Quads. I had gone from a total system cost of about 10-12k including everything to a system cost of about 80k, Shindo Monbrison Pre (later upgraded to Shindo Masseto Pre), Air Tight ATM-3 mono blocs.. great turntable. Wavelength Audio Tube DAC.. . Crimson model with the upgraded silver wiring and silver transformers.... top end end all DAC.
But I gotta say, those Quad 2805s properly positioned in the room, driven by great electronics took my audio to an entirely new and better level.
Had to sell most of it a few years ago due to a 'situation' our family had to deal with. now working to rebuild a similar system over the next couple years.
So, my answer: QUAD ESL's considered by many to be 'the best' or 'one of the best speakers ever'. ....
I also listened to a great pair of original Quad 57's ESL's with a low power amp in a near field position.. sublime.
So again.. the QUAD ESL is the speaker that really did it for me.