Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



«The problem isn’t a lack of good new music. It’s an institutional failure to discover and nurture it.»



Tons of great music being produced today. My favorite radio show is “Extra Eclectic”. Check it out!


Also, there are more female composers producing work now than ever before. What an exciting time to be a music lover.

I wonder how many people know who Howard Tullman is or even read through the article.  I was on his legal team during the initial JamTV/Tunes.com work.  He's definitely not a small minded guy. He does like to stir the pot.

If you read to the bottom, his main point, really, was that big music execs got greedy and complacent and didn't innovate.  The article was in Inc. magazine and he was making a business point.

But yeah, the top of the article does make him sound a bit like Old Man Screaming at the Sky.  He does acknowledge the music activity in indie circles, but I doubt he's dipped very far into that.

To address the main debate going on in this thread, there most certainly is plenty of good new music coming out. Oddly, it's harder to find...or should I say it is easy as it has ever been to find, but harder to identify. Mainstream media just doesn't do the variety of art justice. 

It does take work to find great new music.  You need a thread to pull.  Roon actually helps with this, when it's working. 

You want some recommendations for great new music? Here you go:

  • Brother Dege
  • Craig Finn
  • Niyaz
  • Jade Jackson
  • Animals as Leaders

There's really lots. Find something you like and pull that thread!