White Van Speakers ?

Anyone heard of this scam. I guess people go around town
and try to sell "left over from an install" products for "cents on the dollar" only to sell people junk! Seams
like it would hardly be worth the effort, but i have had
guys pull up to me in traffic and say the have nice speakers
for sale. I guess these are made in china for like 5 dollar a pair? I cant see too much harm IF you know audio and dont pay too much. I know, my local Craiglist often has unknow speaker brands pop up all the time, and if i do a google, it always goes to a web site about White Van rip-offs.

Anyone else have knowledge of this and can explain the supply chain a little more?
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It happened to me once in the 90s I told the guy my car stereo had better stuff than anything in his van.
I hadn't heard of these guys in years. But I remember my next door neighbor about 20yrs or so ago got suckered into buying a pair. I had just sold a pair of JBL L50's and he wanted them but offered me about a third of what I sold them for. He kept telling me that I was trying to rip him off when he showed up with these "box o' crap" speakers.
I helped him hook them up and they sounded worse than a megaphone. But he was thrilled and was telling me that he got a much better speaker than I had tried to sell him for less than half of what I wanted for my JBL's. I told him crank 'em up lets see what they can do and after about 45 seconds at the higher volume the mid range smoked. The next day he told me the other speaker quit working, so he blamed me for hooking them up wrong. It was all I could do not laugh in his face about what a fool he was. He took them to a local repair shop and they told him that they would make a decent end table but weren't worth repairing.
To this day he blames me for them failing when I bring it up. I had seen them at different parking lots but never took any interest from the onset by the initial sales approach of ultra high pressure. WhiteVan Audio and Video, you never see them advertise in Stereophile do you...
Been on craigslist lately? 2000 retail on sale for 300. It makes me sick that people fall for it. Nice shiney cabinets and lots of drivers...