Amplifier current vrs watts; why is current more important?

Lately when talking to knowledgeable people in the audio industry I’ve been hearing how current delivery is more important than watts in determining weather an amplifier will drive a speaker.
So what exactly is current and how does it effect speaker performance? How can a amplifier rated at 150 watts into 8 ohms vs one rated at 400 watts into 8 ohms be a better match for a hard to drive speaker?

Thank you for the detailed response, I'm still learning about all the ins and outs of this topic but think I've gotten a decent grasp on it now. And I totally agree with your point on sound, I've never been a 'spec buyer' but like to balance good objective performance and subjective performance.


While my Arcam PA240 is ok at higher volumes, it lacks low-mid volume punch particularly in the bass department. And I want to get a better quality amp anyway as my system is at a much higher level than when I first got the Arcam.


For what it's worth, the amps I've shortlisted are Pass Labs x250.8, Parasound JC5, Coda 8, and Musical Fidelity M8 series. Also have Krell on the radar.

i have a mcintosh mc602 advertized as having 15o current per chanell! how doe's this stand??


my personal opinion -- get a modern pass, coda or krell, you won't need to worry about the speakers being well driven, the parasound and musical fidelity are (slightly) lesser units