2-3k budget - adding DAC/Server to Bluesound Node?

Hello All,

I'm looking to start getting into seperates for DAC / Streamer / Server, currently just using the Node as a DAC/Streamer

What components might I be looking at within my budget?  I was thinking Bluesound Vault and a Chord Mojo 2

thanks in advance




Ditto to above.  Node to Denafrips Ares II now and very happy.  Pontus II on the way.  Plan to be happier.

I got a Bluesound Vault a few years ago and ripped all my CD's onto it, but  could not access the music by composer or symphony number. It only lists "song" and "artist" which only applies to pop music. I got some help transferring the files onto a flash-drive where in my laptop I made folders which list composers in alphabetical order and subfolders for symphonies and concerti. The Vault went bad and had to be replaced on warranty and I don't use its storage, I plug in the flash-drive. I keep several copies of my library on backup flash-drives. Trying to use the Vault's storage and transferring it to my library is unmanageably complicated so I won't attempt it. I can add purchased downloads to my flash-drives instead. 

I connect the Vault to a vintage MSB Platinum DAC.

You don’t mention which node you have. The current NODE 130 is generally thought to be a SQ improvement over the 2i. I would suggest a good power upgrade to your Node. I upgraded my 2i with the Fidelity Audio PSU replacement module and one of their better L PSUs and felt the difference was significant and not at all subtle. I was so impressed by the upgrade that I waited until Fidelity Audio had the fitment of the PSU module and then got my NODE 130 from them with it pre-installed along with a $300 clock board. That was a very noticeable improvement as well. It compares very favorably IMO to a danadrips Ares II that was being used in a system comparable to mine that unused to demo new speakers at Upscale Audio in Laverne CA (I based the comparison on the speakers I purchased sounding as good at home as they had in the showroom with the Denafrips ). 

That being said, the upgrade bug hit me and like one of the other responders to your post I now use the Gustard X26 Pro fax connected by usb cable to my NODE, which is yet another step up in terms of revealing more and an expanded soundstage. I think you will easily have to spend upwards of $1000 to improve anNODE w LPSU. The Gustard was very well reviewed comparably to many dacs significantly higher priced, and I found the reviews on point. Note in looking at DAC for your node that many work best via usb, and the Node 2i does not support that, though the NODE 130 does.

I am primarily listening via tidal (masters files when available), and listen to the occasional cd via optical into the Gustard (which also sounded good through the upgraded NODE). Note, Chord DACs seemed intriguing, but don’t do MQA, if that is important to you.