Dac or Power regen, which gets the better cable?

I have fairly decent power cords on all my components (Virtual Dynamics). I have a new PC coming in which will allow me to swap a better power cord out on either my DAC or PS audio regen. Which would it make most sense to put the better PC on? My brain is sayin the DAC…thoughts?


I remember being very surprised at the improvement on my BPT power conditioner when I switched from their basic to top of the line power cord...I find the effects of power cords more system dependent than many other cables...

In short run guess I'd pick dac, over the long run all pc important, weak link is weak link. I have heard differences with pc on power conditioners, and yes, they feed everything so need to pass much current.

IME I noticed the greatest improvement in SQ (more believable micro dynamics and imaging) from installing a Zavfino Fina PC on my streamer. I started with DAC/PRE first (also a Fina), then the power conditioner (Acoustic Zen PC) and amps (Merrill/Cardas PC). Everything made an incremental improvement, but I really heard the most when I upgraded the PC on my Zenith. Thanks to @thyname for the Zavfino recommendation!

Taking everyone’s thoughts into consideration I’ve come up with a plan. The incoming pc is a VD Masters series and that will go on my amp (str8 2 the wall), the pc from the amp is a VD David series and that will go to the Preamp. The pc on the preamp is a VD Power One and that will go to the streamer. The pc the Power Plant regenerator is a VD David series and that will go to my Dac. The pc on the Dac is a VD Power 3 and that will go to the Powerplant. So essentially every component will get a “new” powercord….Putting the Power 3 on the Powerplant is a downgrade from the David series but the Power 3 is a beast and will be more than sufficient. Thanks to @carlsbad ​​​​@mceljo for the insight on this.