Is it worth using an Anticable level 5 for a PHONO PREAMP? Overkill?

Is it worth using an Anticable level 3 for a PHONO PREAMP? Overkill? Any possible negative conseque? Or just a waste of money? The phono preamp is a Parasound JC3+ (12w)


@bigtwin : +1!  Power cords are just another way to get the gullible to spend more money! Ditto for power conditioners.

As if on cue, the usual suspects feel it's absolutely necessary to make an appearance to alert all viewers of this thread how foolish it is to believe that cables make an improvement in an audio system. One thing's for sure, their reliability is only challenged by their closed minds.

Funny how it's only a "closed mind" if someone has a different opinion, formed through experience. It's almost like the poster has a.....closed mind....