Now that it's easier to post photos here...
Here are some photos of my Thiel 2.7 speakers set up in my listening/AV room.
The room used to be a single use 2 channel listening room. However in 2009 I got bit by the Home Theater bug and renovated the room in to dual duty: my 2 channel speakers now share the room with a projection based home theater, a large screen that has automated 4-way masking so it can change shape and size for the movie as required. The home theater surround speaker system is separate: Hales Transcendence speakers for L/C/R flanking the screen,Monitor Audio speakers for surrounds and rears.
The room was re-done with the input of an acoustician and my architect friend.
The ceiling is a drop down build that is actually stretched fabric (but looks solid) of brown felt. This is useful both for absorbing ceiling reflections from the screen so the image doesn't wash out. But also because all sorts of acoustic treatment/traps are hidden in there, and hidden elsewhere. It's a gorgeous sounding room and it's funny, even guests often remark when we are just sitting in the room talking "it sounds so good in here!"
I built out a bit of black velvet-covered "stage" area below the screen, and covered all the HT speakers in very dark black velvet. The result is that, unless the room is very bright as in the photo, you often can't even see those speakers against the velvet backdrop behind them, so you just see the Thiels, making for a less cluttered look. Best I could do given how much I was trying to fit in to the room! But it worked quite well.
All source and amps are down the hall in a separate room. I prefer a neat, tidy look that way. (In fact, the shag rug actually helps hide even the speaker cables to the Thiels. Horrors for those who use cable risers!)
If anyone remembers my long-ago posts on looking to replace the bigger Thiel 3.7s in this photo you can see my problem. The 2 channel speakers have to be pulled well out from the back wall. That's good for sonics, but also puts the right speaker out in to the entranceway path in to the room. The 3.7s were just a bit too deep making it a bit awkward walking in and out of the room. The 2.7s were just smaller enough so that they can go in the same spot, but they don't impede walking in and out of the room at all.
My Joseph Audio Perspectives are even smaller and less deep, so they work great too.
From the hallway just outside the listening/HT room :