Amp / Speaker setup for streaming and vinyl

I'm looking to build a system for music only. The tv is nearby but I don't particularly care about tv sound and like to keep setup and cables simple. Feel free to convince me otherwise.

I previously had a Peachtree Nova and Paradigm Studio Reference 20s and was very happy with the setup. Life happened and I'm now using a Technics receiver that I bought cheap when I was in high school in the 90s and a pair of B&W BM602s I got on CList. Thinking it's time to upgrade.

80% of my listening is streaming from Apple devices through Airplay. 20% is vinyl via an 90s Okyo turntable. Rock/Jazz/Americana. Open floor plan, so a large-ish room although volume is usually modest.

I was inclined to just rebuild the old system but get a Nova 150 to avoid needing a separate phono pre. But it occurs to me that all of my knowledge of available options is about 10 years old. Maybe there are betting options these days?

I would go Toslink from the Airport Express if I got another Nova. I like that it has a good DAC on-board.

So, anyone wiling to recommend a good amp/speaker setup that might trump my default option? Budget is modest. Let's say $1,200ish, all in.

* Wild card question: should I consider active speakers with a built-in phono pre? The simplicity is super tempting but seems too good to be true.*




I'm not seeing much in terms of used Vena's out there. I'm sure this as been covered elsewhere, but what are some recommended sites to check (besides this one, of course).

Also, any thoughts on the Audioabs 6000a for my needs. Pushes the budget a little, but seems to have the right features and is well reviewed. I can't tell if the newer "Play" version adds any real value over running the streams through the Airport Express.

Thanks for the help.

Listen,on RIGHT NOW there is a Cayin "CS55A" BRAND NEW IN BOX with KT88 tubes.It has built in DAC with USB(only)input,a Moving Magnate phono stage & a wonderful,tube driven headphone out.
Price is $1300.00 + shipping.BUY IT!!!
 NOTHING & I MEAN NOTHING can even come close to the performance of this amp for the $ & EASILY competes with all in one solutions that cost $3000.00+!
 You can even change the tubes from KT88(which I prefer)to EL34 with flip of a switch.Biasing new power tubes is EASY with built in bias meter & top plate mounted biasing pots.
 I owned this exact amp & it took a VERY expensive KT150 amp to upgrade.
YOU WILL NOT REGRET buying this amp.

Interesting. Will check it out. Any idea how I use the USB input with the airport express? I can just connect via analog RCA, but if I understand correctly, I'd be bypassing the Cayin DAC in favor of the Airport, which seems sub-optimal.