@fjn04 - for me, the priorities were different. On the main system, I wanted the best sound I could get. What is that? Since everything is dependent on the associated components, room and set-up, I’m happier than ever with the big table running Koetsus, after working on the woofer system, now in a bigger room. I have far more range, stage, oomph and presence-- all good things, plus the bass is characterful--texture, tone, decay, as well as spaciousness and dead silence at times, not just whomp, whomp.
The second system, where I have the SP 10, is also all tube, but uses my Quad 57s, a pair of old Quad amps, and an MCIntosh MX 110z tuner/preamp, all restored. It is not as demanding, the Quads by their nature are not super sensitive and act like a noise filter (the horns in the main system are 104db and you hear everything, including inter-component grounding irregularities, somebody using a fixture elsewhere in the house (not any more) and whatever is on the line. (that system took me a couple years to get quiet. Once quiet, I could begin to tune it)).
In short, the application for the second table is less critical in some ways but makes music just as engaging. No, no heavy metal on the Quad system, but you’d be surprised about small combo jazz.
I do like Franc K though. He’s a real guy and does it all. Well.