Fritz vs CSS vs Ryan

Doing some speaker searches and these 3 are on my radar. Wanted to see if anyone here has listened to a couple of these listed.

Fritz Carrera Be


Ryan R610

These will be powered by a Kinki Studio EX-M1 and I listen to rock, jazz and some world music. Trying to find a speaker that does well with rock recordings.


@jackd I just noticed that the Carbon used to have the ScanSpeak 1 inch Ring Radiator tweeter and now uses 1" ScanSpeak Textile Diaphragm. I wonder how the ring tweeter sounded with the Carbon? Is one better than the other?

I'm a recent owner of the Fritz Carrera BE's.   I could not be happier.  Fritz is a great guy and loves talking speakers. I'm a big fan of the beryllium tweeter.  Highly recommended. Mine took 50+ hours to break in, and I still think they're not done.  They sounded really good out of the box, but now exceptional.  



If you're talking about the Carbon 7 SE Mk II tweeters, from my phone conversations with Fritz he thinks the new tweeter is better than the one in the original version.  Never heard either version but I would trust his choices.  Also the Rev 7 SE gives you a similar speaker as the Carbon 7 albeit with higher line drivers and a higher corresponding price.  In the end it will come down to whether you feel comfortable trying the Be tweeter or want to take the safer route with one of the silk dome tweeter models.  While the Carrera sounds good with most any amp I found that it does love tube amps the best.  

Fritz REV 5 SE owner here and I absolutely love them.  The ScanSpeak Revelator woofer combined with the ScanSpeak Illuminator tweeter is magic.  Enjoy them more every time I listen to them.  Fritz is such a great guy with a passion for his speaker’s sound performance and not just the sale $’s. Fritz has really got it going on with his speakers. Hope you pick Fritz and don’t look back.

Had the Carrera with the new BE Tweeter. Loved it. 

August 27th in Phoenix will hold

a 15 speaker exhibition. All standmounts under $3k.

Now what to buy for you? If your logic worked on Ryan

as a value, try GR Research XL-S Encore with upgrades.

$1,400 assembled.