Look at morrow. They have a trade up program so you can move up if you wish. The also have sales on now with a substantial discount. They have great customer service also as well. I know some will disagree, and I recognize their opinions. My thoughts are start small and work your way up. Make sure you can hear a difference.
With regards to a streamer. I would recommend a Bluesound node. Shop for a used one, easily available at a good price. I did a lot of comparison with all that’s out there and asked for recommendations here on this forum. Recently got a used one, hooked it up, and I’m happy with my choice. It is a great start and you can move up if you wish.
Good luck, and happy listening.
Cables recommendation
Hello everyone,
I currently own 803D3, C2700 pre and MC462 amp. I also have an Oppo 105D and Denon X4700 that power the surround speaker. I’m now in the look for cables to fire this system up the best I can but to keep the spending reasonable. I currently do not have any cables.
I’ll appreciate everyone’s opinion and suggestion on cable speakers, power cables, interconnects from 2700 to 462 and other cables I should buy to get the most out of this system. I know many have similar systems as this one and would love to hear your recommendations.
Another important thing to note is that I do not have a streamer and thought to use the Oppo for this reason (maybe connect it to DA2 DAC of the C2700?) or maybe get a Sonus streamer.
Thanks 🙏🏼
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- 66 posts total
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dwellerjust make sure ic’s occ...couldnt agree more...ah hell,Everything occ...even jumpers. |
@jasonbourne52 Cconnect 4ohm speakers using a 12ft aluminium/copper cable cable of 18awg, listen to your favorite track, and then listen again with a high purity copper of 10awg. Let us know what you think! |
- 66 posts total