Audiooracle - I'm sure there are some aspects of the memory player that are novel, however you may not know that I also have a long list of accomplishments over 30-years of engineering design and management. I was a design deam lead on the Pentium at Intel. I also invented the first scalable massively parallel supercomputer. I have 15 patents on this technology. And dont tell me that this is not relevant to audio. The digital design, power delivery, transmission-lines, grounding and shielding experience is extremely relevant. You dont get this kind of experience working for small companies designing audio gear, not to mention 7 years of modding all types of gear from many manufacturers and learning the best components to use for these mods.
The fact that you mention "timing errors" tells me that you dont posses the technical knowledge necessary to analyze these types of products. I hope you dont believe all of the hype that surrounds the marketing.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio
The fact that you mention "timing errors" tells me that you dont posses the technical knowledge necessary to analyze these types of products. I hope you dont believe all of the hype that surrounds the marketing.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio