Finding a specific cable

I saw a cable ad in one of the promotional emails that Audiogon sends out.  Probably it was sometime in the last 6 months.  They were flat, black speaker cables with a multi wire woven geometry. They looked to be a couple of inches wide (ea). Can anybody give me a lead on the name or brand or.....

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Unfortunately, I need a 40’ run for. my speaker cables or interconnects (one or the other). I’m looking for the best options.

Interconnects should take up most of the distance.

Many esoteric speaker cables have LC properties that can wreak havoc with some amplifiers, especially with longer lengths. Eight feet is more than enough length for most home systems.

IF you need flat, Goertz made nice sounding ones. For reasonably cost long cables, do what the pros do: balanced Mogami long interconnects. Keep speaker cables short.

Balanced only pay benefits is noisy environments. Improperly done, they can be worse that unbalanced.