My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?

I would like to hear recommendations regarding integrated amplifiers costing between $5-10,000. This will be my last amplifier for quite a while. I prefer to buy used when I can but also prefer no older that 2-3 years.  My speakers are likely to change every couple of years and I may keep more than one pair.

I like a detailed and transparent sound with air and the ability to easily to pick out the location of the instruments/singers.   I have liked the class A that I’ve heard and I’ve liked the tubes that I’ve heard but I don’t want to mess with tubes.  Also, I do not want a streaming device and I’d rather not have a built in DAC but I can live with it. 

My music preferences are vocals and 70-90s rock. 
So far I have identified the following possibilities that are available.
Mark Levinson: No 585 at $8400 and ML-5805 at $6550.  The latter is a new model and I have read that there have been teething problems. I don’t know if ML have corrected this situation. 
Luxman L-590AXII $7250  has a good reputation and longevity but is relatively low powered.

McIntosh MA5300, Coda CISB, and Gryphon Diablo 120 are also possibilities if available.


yes nickb, I did receive the amp. It seems to be every bit as good as advertised but I'm not really qualified to judge....I haven't listened to many different systems in the last 30 years.  My other amp is Doge 10 30 watt tube amp.  The Coda is very different with a much more powerful sound but still very detailed with a wide soundstage. 

I am getting bored this summer, however, and I've have been thinking about putting up a post to see if any of the audiogonians have compared the Coda to other comparably priced amplifiers....still thinking however. 

I really like the Coda but I keep wondering how it would compare to an Accuphase, Luxman, or even Pass Labs.  If I get too bored before football season starts I may bite the bullet and pick up one of the above.....We'll see.


It would be interesting if you did post about the amp as the Coda preamp was so highly spoken about. 

@chinook9 I owned and compared the CSiB from Sept 2020 (not as good as yours) with CODA #8, KRELL K-300i, KRELL Duo 175XD, Benchmark AHB2(s), Parasound A21+, D-Sonic something, NAD M22 V2, and LSA Voyager 350 GAN (modded)

If you really want to get substantially better than the CSiB and stay with the slightly warm sound with grunt, you need to go to the CODA #16. That is a killer amp. I still have the AHB2 and KRELL 175XD which sound different than CODA amps. I may upgrade the 175XD to an upcoming KRELL amp.


I agree with @twoleftears The Norma Revo IPA-140B is wonderful. Listening to my 140B right now. 

The KWM 88. EBay takes 13%. Call and offer to buy for 9k. You can demo this as well. I have one and it’s stunning. Lifetime warranty too.