Isolation Feet Upgrade

Happy Holidays!
I recently upgraded my Ayre QB9 to its Twenty status and bought a Bryston BDP Pi. Everything’s sounds good but if I could slightly increase bass and warmth I’d be even happier. My thought is to replace the ASR power cable to a Cullen Crossover II and by adding more silver into the power cord, that I’d increase warmth that way. The second tweak would be to replace the Herbie's Tenderfeet but am not sure what would constitute an upgrade. I have read claims however that certain brand names will increase bass response. I remember the time I replaced the stock feet on my QB9 in 2011 and how surprised I was by the improvement in clarity and detail. Am I just chasing my tail with these tweak notions or can I really tailor my equipment into a slightly more preferable sonic signature. Price point is always a factor.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Look at the scales! 😎 and yes the sound difference is noticeable to the ears to a significant scale, but also even in sound measurements. I will see if I have some measurements pictures. 
For Herbies and Isoacoustic,  the range is 0.001-0.002 with lots of peaks over 0.002. Or 1/1,000 and 2/1,000.

For Nosebound/Disk of Silence the range is 0.0005-0.001 with very few peaks over 0.001, or 5/10,000 and 1/1,000 


The smaller the vibration the better; although I am not a mechanical engineer, I have been told that vibration optimization is not linear but something between linear and exponential with a lot of qualifiers.

I have a Trimov ST2 Pro that now and then I use in one of my systems, and the corrections from nothing to Nosebund/Disk of Silence are significantly reduced, with the Credo/Townshed almost insignificant.

The cool thing is that I can on-off the corrections and immediately notice the sound difference. I did not bother to do the Isoacoustics and Herbies as with the mechanical and listening tests I discarded them.

Good luck! experimenting is fun.


The Nosebunds are definitely worth trying given their price. If I don't prefer them to the Herbie's, then I could place them under my tube tuner.

@astolfor so the cheapy Nobsound spring discs are almost as good as the expansive stuff?


Nobsound 4PCS Spring Anti Vibration Amplifier Feet Speaker Isolation Stand CD Player Pads

@gochurchgo yes they will take you almost there, but the step up to the expensive stuff is as noticeable as going from no isolation to the disks of silence and Nobsound.

The most benefit after the TT was under the speakers and subs, that was a big step.

@goofyfoot if you try them make sure that you play with the space between the pucks. In my case anything more than 2mm was horrible, then I tried 1mm-1.5mm, and we were able to hear the difference.

The gap is room dependent as each room/system has difference resonances.