There are power requirement "believers" and power requirement skeptics. I'm on the side of the believers with the following caveats:
1. You don't need an expensive power cable, just a heavy one.
2. Many expensive power cables fail at condition1 above.
So I see why some of the skeptics treat expensive cables as snake oil. On the other hand, some of the skeptics think you can size a power cord based on an amps normal current draw This ignores dynamics and will generally result in disappointing results.
I recently bought a wonderful amp on the used market that there is a 2 year wait for new. I was very happy to get it. The selling included the aftermarket power cord that he had bought to use with it. I looked it up. It cost $300 and was 18 gauge. I wouldn't even use that cord on a 15w streamer. No wonder he sold the amp.
I googled the power cord that the OP uses and found paragraph after paragraph of flowery prose about it but never mentioned was the gauge of the wire. Would you buy an amp that had 3 pages of description but wouldn't tell you how many watts per channel?
So my advice is to always use a heavy power cord (I use 10 awg, because they are easy to get). Whether you use a $50 generic one or a $2000 high end one is up to you but make sure it is at least 12, preferably 10, awg.