Update on my TT causing distortion at higher volume

Recap: SLP-05 pre-amp. Cary 805 mono's Music Hall 11.1 I had a Gold Legacy MC. (under microscope the cart was damaged. Bent cantilever and the diamond was not pretty.

I did the cheapest thing first: I purchased the $100 Ortofon Red MM cart.

The volume jumped up way high. To be expected. The music is very fatiguing.

I did order the EAE GLO PETit BLK. Should be here in about a week.

Any suggestions on a warmer cart, for mostly JAZZ and occasional rock. That is not fatiguing? Price range under $700. I am not prejudiced for or against MM or MC

Thank you for any help / suggestions.


Hana EL or SL. If you can go higher in budget go for Hana ML. Either cartridge set up correctly will improve your listening experience with the ML taking it to new heights. I recommend getting a good protractor such as Dr. Feichert new generation.