Old Vandersteen model 2 vs. newer model 2

Hi I'm thinking about getting some older model 2's with serial numbers in the 321000 range.  I know they made some tweaks in the later models.  I have no way to compare them.  How different do the newer models sound?  Thanks!


Keep in mind that older speakers in general are more likely to need re-capping the crossovers, ferrofluid replaced in tweeters and driver surrounds re-foamed. Unless you do that yourself, it can be expensive and a nuisance.  I would buy the newest version possible myself, even if more expensive initially.


I have not heard those 803's but the two models I have heard coming out of B&W have sounded spectacular. One was a stand mount D model.


I believe the standmount is the 805. I have not heard it, but have heard the 801, 802, and 803.

They sounded wonderful to me too.

I got lucky and was able to get last years model (the D3) new from the dealer discounted 45%.

I certainly couldn't afford them at full price.


Just a thought. If tomcarr is asking a fair price for his 2CE Sig II's I would be all over that. I have owned many speakers in the price range of the 2CE Sig II and they are the top of the food chain. Speakers are very subjective but I would characterize them as very refined. Like getting into hi-fi at a budget price. These are not best buy box store speakers. But you have to place them right...