@mglik The Grado Lineage Statement 3 is a little brother to the Epoch 3. It is very quiet as far as surface noise goes. It's a decent cartridge, but I can't say it is better than the Nagaoka MP-500, which has a very similar MI design, and one third the price. Neither comes close to the London Decca Jubilee on my other turntable, and presumably will be even less comparable to the London Decca Reference when it comes back from a re-tip.
I ended up buying a second SME 10 in order to compare these cartridges properly. I expect after some back and forth I will keep one dedicated to the London Reference (it has a Series V arm), and the other, which has an M10/309 arm and interchangeable headshells of which I have three, will house the MP-500, the Statement 3, and one of my old LOMC cartridges, likely a B-M Ruby 3.
I'll be very interested to hear what you make of the Epoch. Moving iron designs are fascinating, and it's sad that new London Deccas have stopped production as John Wright has run out of armatures and the company that made them has gone out of business. The Deccas are often difficult to suit to a tonearm, though the Jubilee and Reference are much easier to mount and enjoy than the older designs, and have a remarkable sound that leaves other designs struggling in their wake.