ELAC Miracord 50H2 turntable questions

I just purchased this turntable and playing for about a week. \

Everything functions correctly. there are no issues, except when I put my ear close to the spindle I hear a faint fast clicking sound , ...Also when I put my hand on the motor underneath it seems to be quite warm.

Is this normal or concerning ?

thank you...opinions please


Rocky, more than 1.5 years ago you started a thread on a Miracord with different problems. If you’re still referring to that unit, then you didn’t buy it last week. Or is this unit new to you?

Just killing time here after a big breakfast. Your two separate threads were one under the other so I couldn’t help noticing.

Your table may need lubrication.

The clicking is not normal.  I would guess something in the changing mechanism is not disengaging completely, perhaps sticking due to dust accumulation or lack of lubrication.  However, if this is not audible in playback, why not just ignore it?

Don't know about the motor heating up.  If it some part of the changing mechanism has remained engaged during playback, this could be placing an unusual load on the motor.  Or perhaps the motor just needs lubrication also.

You may not want to spend the money, but I would suggest taking this venerable classic (I love the soft touch buttons) into a good repair shop for a tuneup.

(By the way, when operating properly, the idler wheel should disengage from the motor spindle and the platter rim when the table shuts off.  This should minimize the risk of flats on the rubber.  Flats can be audible as a soft thumping sound and some wow in the playback.)

Thks Jwei....for your input..

I will try a tune up . This turntable sounds and runs great otherwise .

If I keep playing it like this with the motor running warm, will it create a problem.