Hi cdc, I discussed this some in this post: "Theaudioamp – good questions. I have done very little listening so far – mostly because of the wife-factor but also time – I haven’t had time to set up my cart yet so only have CDs. I have a Ruby K1 which I read is a good cd player but my vinyl blows away 90% of my CDs. I did just listen to Murder by Numbers (just found out this song was never released on vinyl) fairly loud so I could pay attention. I should have picked a different song or CD rather because there aren’t any extended quiet sections (silent passages). I’ll have to report back after I mount and align my cart and then will put on the Wall which has lots of quiet time. Right now I’m prepping the room as much as possible…doing what I can."
I just ordered some Focal Stellias which will be here later next week and hopefully I will have time to mount my cart and do some serious listening.
On that note, I haven't had much time to investigate some of the great suggestions in this thread but wanted to give this info which is my panel box. I was going to uplaod a pic but don't see how that is possible here w/o a link.
Anyway here is the list of stuff on the right side:
39. Stereo
37. Garage USBs (never use these)
33 & 31, Mini split (garage a/c which I only run when I'm in the garage)
29 clothes washer
27, mbr something or other
25 mbr powder room
23 mbr, something or other
21 DR and LR
19 garage door openers
17 master bath and study
15 utility room and spare brs 2 & 3
13, outlets for garage, outdoor and pool
11 heat
9 heat
7 range
5 range
3 air
1 I think it says "conditioner Leed 20-A"
I'm not sure why heat has 2 switches and air has 1. We are in Tampa and have a single hvac unit. As mentioned earier the EMI reader jumps 100 points when the a/c is running so I'm thinking to maybe move the stereo switch to the other side (?). The other side has the washer and dryer but those can be stopped while listening (a/c cannot down here). Also the hot water heater is on the otehr side. Maybe I should move some of these aroudn so the bigger draws are on one side and the stereo switch is on the side of the smaller draws?
The electrian will be here on Weds for other stuff but by then I will have a list of questions for him from the posts here and hopefully we can come up with somehing.
But if not - as pointed out - an EMI reading is apparently worthless and I may not even notice the sound. We've only been here 3 weeks and still unpacking so have had little free time - but that should change some in the next few weeks when all these other projects and unpacking. is finsihed.