Help with a Bedini BA-803

Hello all,

I recently acquired a Bedini BA-803. I was originally told that the speaker fuse holders needed to be replaced because the sound was cutting out intermittantly. I replaced the fuse holders. The sound is now consistant, but distorted out of the left channel. I have pulled and tested each transistor and they all test good. I am looking for some help regarding what my next logical step should be. i have replaced all the fuses in the amp. The main caps show no bulging. Is this distortion indicative of a bad capacitor? Just trying to decide where to look next. I have switched both the input cables and speaker cables and the distortion follows, so the distortion is definitely coming from the left channel. 

Thanks for any help in advance



Sorry to hear that! My 25/25 needs repair too! How about Brooks Berdan in L.A.?

Member hifigeek1 said in a past post that he worked on Bedini amps. Try sending him a PM.

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