Questions re:  GaNfet technology vs other designs.

How do the newer GaNfet technology amps compare to the HYPEX NC400, HYPEX NC500, HYPEX 1200 and PURIF Audio designed amps in terms of sound quality? And also how do these GaNfet technology based amps compare to class A and class A/B amps for sound quality?

It seems several companies are offering GaNfet Amps. For example, please the Orchard Audio Starkrimson 150w gan amplifier and the Atma-sphere Class D power amplifier (and several others).

GaNfet is claimed to provide excellent sound quality. Several class D mono blocks offer great sound as various reviewers have reported. I noticed there are several GaNfet technologies power amps available but not many integrated amps. I wonder why. 

Maybe the better question is GaNfet Amps really for prime time? Your comments on GaNfet Amps are requested. thanks....


This is a very difficult question to answer. You are comparing brands (Hypex, Purifi) with a technology (GaNfet).  A technology has no sound per se. Each implementation has to stand on its own merit. Orchard Audio may sound very different than Atma-sphere. Hope that helps. 

GanFet, Class d, Purifi, Class A, High Bias Class A/B, tube, ZOTL, AHB2 THX...a lot like the colors of automobiles....there are favorites like white and grey but there is someone for every color.  And, what looks good to you this year may not be so appealing next year.

When it comes to audio gear, you can read the reviews but until you try it in your system in your room with your music...there is no way to know whether you will be moved to the point of saying..."I gotta have this".


@spenav - Perfect answer. GaN is just a component technology. Throwing it into a flawed design is not going to fix the flaws.

I have a EVS 1200 dual mono amp, based on the same IcePower modules in PS Audio's M1200 mono amps: PS Audio modules are stock with in-house designed tube inputs.  According to a review by Michael Fremer, they were so good that he bought them. My EVS was marketed a good 9-12 months before PS's M1200s. EVS highly tweaked the modules wherever possible. I raved about mine and had a big following in AG forums some 2 years ago, but when I received my LSA Voyager 350 GaN amp, the top to bottom improvement was literally night and day.

AFAIK, the GaN modules have been very hard to come by of late, which will likely hinder progress toward integrateds


I noticed there are several GaNfet technologies power amps available but not many integrated amps. I wonder why. 

@hgeifman The most likely reason is that they will be seen soon.