Anyone heard new Belles Dual Mono Integrated vs Basic Aria or Aria Signature?

Late last year, auditioned Belles Aria and Signature models in NJ at AudioConnection. Proprietor John was a great guy and I ended up leaving thinking I needed to come up with more money to step up to the Signature model. Planned on buying for February for my next 60+ birthday. Of course, stock market interrupted that plan big time and continued down until recently taking my earnings and amp funding (not to mention a few trips and home repairs). While I think the market will once again turn down, the current short term bump has provided a few dollars. However, in looking online I now find..Oh Crap...there is another new model in between the 2 I auditioned. So, I am curious as to if anyone has heard this and the others or has bought the new model and can offer an opinion on the incremental benefit or value add of the dual  mono version vs the base or Sig models. I am now fully retired too so I am watching my dollars more carefully as I am transitioning to the "no paycheck world".


i would think john rutan would be the natural source for this info... gene rubin in la also sells belles gear but he may not stock all the newer models, gene mostly flogs lfd/uk integrateds

+1 on contacting John Rutam since you already know him. I believe he has that unit on display. Good Luck!

+2 on John Rutan. He knows his stuff as well as Belles. If anyone knows it is he.


My first thought is that owing the Signature Monoblocks and Preamp would be the 'best' sounding. The integrated Dual Mono coming in a close second.
