It’s semantics, but tube data sheets show 0.35 A heater current (parallel) for 5814, versus 0.30 A for 12AU7. They’re close enough it will never cause a problem for gear.
Yep, which is why I was willing to try the CBS Hytron’s. I am quite impressed with them for the $$. Really opened-up the Trumpet throughout the mids and highs, more ‘air’ was immediately noticed compared to the Brimar’s. And, with the Tele’s really changed the overall Trumpet presentation. Maybe too much of a good thing. I’m actually toying with the idea of getting 2 Mullards to pair with my 2 Telefunken’s. For some reason, I’m thinking that may be an interesting combo. I put in 2 of the stock Mullards, and think older Mullard’s just may work.
Fun with tubes.
Good to hear you still have your Trumpet. It was your glowing reviews that pushed me in the Trumpets direction.