Can anyone tell me where the progress in audio went?



It went beyond a Youtube video of percussion only, and now can now reproduce a full spectrum from f music. 😜😂

A demo track like that makes me ask myself "What are they hiding?"

And if this is what they consider representative music, "Do I want speakers voiced with it?"  I have to wonder about their judgment.

It was really funny, the "music" ended, and the demonstrator was waiting for a big reaction from the people sitting there. I have to wonder what they were thinking, but it isn't hard to imagine.

Post removed 

In our hobby the story behind a piece of gear is more important to some audiophiles than the actual sound. I just came back from the Pacific Audio Fest and I heard a lot of speakers and other gear that had a great story but sounded so-so. I've been to 3 audio shows and I've seen that price has a very tenuous relationship with sound quality. I believe that the looks and story behind a component are more important than how it sounds to many buyers. A high price is now a feature. A five or six figure price tag makes the gear more attractive to a certain buyer demographic. Utilizing a sexy sounding old technology just adds to the mystique.