Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce's new album RENAISSANCE is out, her first studio effort in six years. The recording material was attended by Jay-Z, Skrillex, Drake and Grace Jones.



Thank you .....thylermunns and larsman as it appears that I hit the bulls eye ! I could have predicted expected these types of responses. You can continue to defend that genre of noise that is your prerogative and I will continue to tell I find very little talent there although you have concluded I know very little about the subject and you taken my '' tongue in check '' responses literally. I know who they are as was around during the East Coast  -West Coast Feud and what happened as a result of that and the loss of a person ( maybe two ) who were and had talent ; TuPac and possibly Biggie......liked their stuff. I will continue to say the Beyonce is okay but I do not think that she is belongs on the '' mountain '' she and the promoters have put her on. Now, if you excuse me I will go listen to some music that maybe you can take a page out of both of your responses and expand your musical domain .......might mellow you guys out a little.